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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fusion13 News Update [SEPT-09-2012] Relaxing Music, CIA Asset Speaks, UFO Sighting, Skin Care, Alien Interview...

Fusion13 News Update 
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........ (2) [Video] Warning...this info may disturb your worldview and soul ... CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Can Now Speak 10 years after 9-11  [URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=iGI4jfwOmOk ]  
(3) [Video] UFO Sighting -September 7, 2012 - Tokyo
[URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6H4Qdeq3fL8 ]   .......
(4) [Sponsor Video Demonstration] Women ...and Men... 'Visible Solutions' One Minute Wonder Skin Care  [URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvaz9fauzlM ]   For those who choose to try Visible Solutions, I will provide a $15 gift check or money order if you forward me your receipt and also agree to provide a short review of the product after using for one month... you may also explore more under 'Products' at www.max.com/39160  [unashamed sponsor for proven products]........ 
(5) [Video] Alien Interview at S-4, in Area 51  [URL: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2812084192530401757 ]  Recently heard from a friend whose father was an USAF colonel and told her that he had seen 3 live aliens. If I get further info, I will pass it on... I do not know how authentic any of the 'alien' videos are... from all accounts, the ETs are now being helpful to our efforts here on planet earth and I show these videos and provide information to help ease the transition to full disclosure when our unseen helpers may be more visible in the 3D world... jh
(6) [Website + Links] The Disclosure Project "...is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 500 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret."  [URL: http://www.disclosureproject.org ]  

Note: The above stories are from various news sources that you probably will not see on the "Nightly News"... They are chosen mostly because they reflect some of the possible transitions and disclosures that are underway both locally and on a global scale. I think it is important to stay clear of fear-based reports; if reports are included that come from a possible fear perspective, it probably has some worthwhile information mixed in and I will provide a warning ... Inclusion of information from various websites does not mean I agree with any or all of the content found in other parts of that website.  ~  jh----------------------------------------------------------------
Disclaimer: My laptop has a sticky keyboard these days and I have to write most sentences twice since, at times, letters and spaces do not show up. The spell-checker also does not catch missing letters if the letters spell a recognizable word. So, apologies for this until I get the laptop fixed... I really am a decent speller!! ~ jh
So...Expect the unexpected... May Loving Kindness be our Guide... and Welcome to NOW!
John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Fusion13 Webpage: http://f13dna.blogspot.com 
Fusion13 on Facebook: http://facebook.com/f13dna
John on Facebook: http://facebook.com/sunhutch 

Sundance Center for Conscious Living: www.sunhutch.com 
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." 
~ Rumi

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www.Max.com/39160 - Max Cellgevity, Max Skin Care, MaxATP, Max N Fuze

www.WizWebWorks.com - Explore your website names with free email 

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