Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Almost One...Pix from Twinsterville

Now in their 11th month
on Planet Earth!

They will be 1 year old on June 2, 2012!
.... from proud Papa J
[The next pictures may be hard to see
with their faces smeared with cake everywhere!]

Multi-dimensionality Dream-scene

So here I am, looking in a mirror. I see multiple images of me. Two images and each with a different shirt which shows me clearly there are at least two of what I think is "me."

I tell my 'son' about this and he seems to get it.

Then I find myself looking into a body of water and seeing the reflections on the surface, with lily leaves floating on top. There is a woman beneath the water. I realize I am floating over the water as my "son" sits on the shore. Then I move back to the shore as well.

The dream shares another picture of the multidimensional nature of "what is." It is as if we are in a play and playing a character. and yet we have another identity beyond the character we play... Who knows how many plays and how many characters we play in this now. Parallel dimensions provide a trick to our 3D mindset. It is as if we at times find ourselves immersed in the 3D world of duality and then at times move into 4th dimension astral encounters... and perhaps other dimensions as well. It seems all of them happen now. The "son" may represent that inner child or pure essence that is present in all dimensions.

If we are not used to the movement from dimension to dimension, it can be a bit startling at first. I suggest we get used to the astral connections beyond our "normal" third dimensional world. As we embrace the ONE reality, we begin to experience the infinite and the possibilities of infinity. Only our viewpoints that have been domesticated into us through the 3rd dimensional mass consciousness act as illusory limits to what is possible.

Multi-dimensionality points to the possibility we are connected and open to all that IS... which, in my particular distortion, is the Creatoring Mystery of WE/ONE...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Peace Full Evolution: 'Occupy Love'

This is a reminder that evolution and revolution in the transformation of the social complex will be, I believe, for the most part full of Peace and Love... The actual One infinite Source of Love...which is LIFE ...is the starting and end point of all...

Let us practice, contemplate, pray, and meditate on and about the ONE infinite energy of Love that we as distortions of that infinite Source 'are' ... in actuality... As we Occupy this and Occupy that... be aware that even those labeled as "elite" or "cabal" or "Illuminati" or "?????" are One...we are one... They/We will play out the roles as long as the interest remains the distorted view of self... What is your/our focal point based upon? Are we serving the concept of "self" or are we serving the complex of All?... both of which seem to use a form of love and loyalty... and at some level are the same... One...

The following article shares a perspective on allowing Love to reign:


Honor to the One Infinite Source that is ALL....

Beyond duality?

We have this habit of thinking in terms of opposites... right/wrong... good/bad...  dark/light...etc... What if that is all an illusory part of our mass consciousness?... what would it mean if all of Life is part of the infinite intelligence and awareness of One Source? What would that mean if we could no longer blame anyone for anything, including ourselves? Just wondering where that would leave us now?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

One-Mess in the Oneness... A reminder

Hi from John...

It seems the infinite oneness leads us always back to the infinite oneness...

All we do by speaking is provide distortions...

Hope your day goes according to the distortions that make you feel in-sync and growth continues for all...

Sometimes the One-ness feels like One-Mess... only because we live in the fixations and alternating vibrations of multi-dimensionality... and we are in this 3D world for a reason ... it is all what it is...

I even hesitate to write about it these days, except to remind myself and all of us...  that we are multidimensional oneness... that we are One even as we experience the influence and distortions of the various realms of NOW...

The reminder is that the out of sync sensations and feelings we experience during these times are more like the growing pains into our multidimensional oneness... 3rd dimension seems to have a quality of duality that denies oneness... and yet the seeming duality is not inconsistent with oneness... So whatever we feel drawn toward is the direction we should follow it seems and it will be a path of growth and learning...

We like to think we are individuals and evolving ... and we are also aspects of the oneness that has areas in the one multi-dimensionality that is way beyond where you and I are this day... it is not right or wrong... it is simply part of the infinite One Source which we can refer to as Creator-ing....

So enjoy the one-mess of the Oneness as we just keep doing our best....

Love and blessings as always.... John

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fusion Dream... a good reminder...

Last night I was reminded in the dreamtime of the reality of life as energy...
I was meeting different people in a large home and then several of us went outside and it was like a festival going on. As I looked up there was a bright light the was an intense white... too brilliant to look at... like a fusion supernova.. brighter than our sun.... then I saw a dark mushroom cloud... I began to move away and then began to disintegrate and was turning into just color and energy... it seemed like I was moving along the ground and merging with a vehicle that was also only colors and energy... Next I am moving toward a door and somehow make it inside the door of my childhood home. I know there is a mirror there and try to see myself in the mirror but only see the mirror... then I see my father there who appeared young and thin... I tried to open my eyes to see if I had any body left and I opened them to see the dark bedroom... like a lucid dream, I went back and forth to the energy consciousness and then back to form...
When I got up to record the experience, it seemed more real than this world of forms... and I am reminded that all is energy.... and all things are possible...
When we dream, I suggest that we try being aware that we are dreaming and try things that are magical and beyond what we might think of as normal... the next step is to realize that we are only limited by our beliefs... and that we are creating the world that we believe in... so always love... always hope... always chose kindness... if that is the kind of world you wish for...
Much Love,

Monday, May 7, 2012

Obama works for good... New interview with 'Bill Wood'

The following links are more verification from inside sources through Bill Brockbrader, Ex-Navy Seal about how Obama is beginning to get a grasp of the powerful influences controlling the US and world systems...and is coming out to lead  the way forward toward a new way and new world... some amazing stuff... and if you have not had a chance to hear Bill B's [aka Bill Wood] story, I have included a link at the end to introductory interviews that share his story and background...

Hear is the most recent information from high level military insider...through Bill B:
Always use your own discretion as to what seems true or possible/probable to you... This information is at least 'grist for the mill and consistent with my personal research and info over the past 15 years.

Here are some suggestions Bill and Eva share for when the main change point occurs:
  • On a regular basis keep plenty of food and water in your home; resources will be available but may be cut off for a few days or so;
  • Keep vehicles filled with fuel;
  • Keep cash on hand, if possible;
  • Have ways to relax, meditate, dwell on hope, not fear;
  • New info will be disseminated through current means of communication;
  • Connect with others, block parties, check on neighbors;
  • Internet, CB and ham radios will be important;
  • Stay rooted in "not-knowing" and focus of hopeful future
  • Shift from profit motive to service to all;
  • the forces of disinformation will attack this video like they have all others;
  •  Let go of what you do not need, let go of past and be in present as we move forward;
  • Focus on Hope... some confusion and chaos will be a part of the transition;
  • Help to calm and reassure others who did not know what was coming

One main reason I have posted these links is to raise your curiosity and hopefully you will take some time to explore more of the possiblities for changes that are coming.

Expect the unexpected and may Loving Kindness be our Guide... John
 ... and welcome to this Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 Fusion13 on Facebook: http://facebook.com/f13dna
 John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Fusion13 Webpage: http://f13dna.blogspot.com 

Sundance Center for Conscious Living: www.sunhutch.com 
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it."  ~ Rumi
www.Max.com/39160  - Max Cellgevity, Max Skin Care, MaxATP,Max N Fuze
www.WizWebWorks.com - Explore your website names with free email 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Time Zero

May 6, 2012 Dream snippets

Last night I was presented with two snippets from the dreamtime...

#1: I am in a jet plane and I am viewing the land below as we are moving higher and higher...
#2: Now there is a rocket ready for launch and the countdown is continuing all the way down to zero...

Taken at a personal level, this indicates movement now going on to a higher 'plane' and the actual launch of a new adventure.

If we look at this from a collective perspective, I am both participating and observing this movement. It is what it is. There are no extreme feelings. There is no fear or anxiety or excitement... It just is what it is...  The first phase was a Jet that went to high places, and from there the launching was actually taking place... At the "zero" point of the countdown, I woke with a clear memory of the ride.

Now is always the zero point... "Time Zero" ... as yesterday fades into this moment, time disappears into Presence... into Being... into NOW...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Big Pharma Cartel Busted

Do you think that Big Pharma could cause 10X number of deaths as 9/11?... whoever may have caused that...

Big Pharma Cartel Busted
by Dr. David Brownstein - Holistic Family Medicine: http://drdavidbrownstein.blogspot.ca/2012/05/from-reuters-read-merck-wasordered-to.html

Friday, May 4, 2012

Do you like progressive causes?

Hi From John....
I recently switched to Credo Mobile to save money and also to support Progressive causes.

Who does your phone company support? AT&T has given a whopping $579,500 to House Tea Party Caucus members from 2009-2011. And Verizon Wireless pumped thousands into the campaign coffers of Rand Paul and Marco Rubio and Ron Johnson, all Tea Party-backed Senators.

We need real change, not lip service. That's why I take action with CREDO Mobile. CREDO is a mobile phone company just like AT&T or Verizon Wireless -- except, unlike them, CREDO supports, with us, progressive change.

CREDO gives 1% of charges to amazing nonprofits like Mercy Corps, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, and they've raised over $70 million in the last 25 years.

As a CREDO Customer, I agree with their values AND love their service.

I'm telling you about them because they offered us a sweet deal:

If you sign up to be a CREDO customer, they'll give you a CREDO bill credit for the cancellation fee on your current mobile contract (up to $350) and give you 10% off your monthly voice fee for 2 years, plus they'll give me $50. Pretty good, right? Yep, I do like getting some money for helping make the planet a better place for all...

If you want to find out more, go to http://bit.ly/GYexTw

Or call one of their friendly customer service people at 866-689-0099 and mention special offer code 800079. Make sure to tell them my name and phone number so I get credit!
John Hutchinson - 717-413-7120 ... It doesn't cost anything but a few minutes to find out how much you will save. I've been using it for a month and have had great coverage and no dropped calls [that I did have with AT&T]

Thanks for reading... and considering this opportunity...

Best wishes,

PS... feel free to pass this along to anyone who might want to save money and help progressive causes, unless you plan to join with us at Credo Mobile. Then wait to forward the message until after you switch and get the $50 dent to you!

Expect the unexpected and may Loving Kindness be our Guide...
 ... and welcome to this Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Fusion13 Webpage: http://f13dna.blogspot.com 
Fusion13 on Facebook: http://facebook.com/f13dna
Sundance Center for Conscious Living: www.sunhutch.com 
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it."  ~ Rumi
www.Max.com/39160  - Max Cellgevity, Max Skin Care, MaxATP,Max N Fuze
www.WizWebWorks.com - Explore your website names with free email 
I want to share with those who want to receive. If you wish to unsubscribe from John's and/or Sundance Center emails, simply reply and enter "REMOVE" in the subject line.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2012 Transitions.... on the bridge...

Beloved friends and family... [aren't we all]...

I am reminded that we are on the bridge between what we thought was our life... and the new beginnings that are emerging... The bridge between the old and new is a letting go into the unknown that can create confusion, chaos, uncertainty and every emotion you can possibly imagine or experience...

The bridge takes us from one side to the other... except we cannot look back or see what awaits us on the far side of the bridge... and the bridge maybe swaying in the winds of change as well!

Where do we go and what do we do?

I suggest that we take time to listen to our heart energy and wisdom... take time to connect in natural settings...  things may occur that may elicit fear... take care and do not let fear guide your life... Let us stay true to what we know is true in our experience... It has been written that we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and strength...."  So whatever you call "the Lord your God" ... the Source of Life... it is time to remind ourselves of our true spiritual home and Love's Source!

As the transitions continue, in addition to being present in the Now, I suggest that we also provide ourselves with some self designed routines that add a bit of structure and productivity in the midst of otherwise chaotic moments and months.

No matter what your take is on 2012 changes, we do not know... and I suggest that we will be provided guidance, as in the past, when it is needed. All our life's experiences, epiphanies, and previous insights provide us with the foundation for the faith in the future... with all it's uncertainty to our ego minds...

Be here in the present moment... Act as response rather than reaction... and stay open to what is and what will be.... letting go of the past negatives and fantasies about tomorrow...

Much Love, John