Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Thursday, May 10, 2012

One-Mess in the Oneness... A reminder

Hi from John...

It seems the infinite oneness leads us always back to the infinite oneness...

All we do by speaking is provide distortions...

Hope your day goes according to the distortions that make you feel in-sync and growth continues for all...

Sometimes the One-ness feels like One-Mess... only because we live in the fixations and alternating vibrations of multi-dimensionality... and we are in this 3D world for a reason ... it is all what it is...

I even hesitate to write about it these days, except to remind myself and all of us...  that we are multidimensional oneness... that we are One even as we experience the influence and distortions of the various realms of NOW...

The reminder is that the out of sync sensations and feelings we experience during these times are more like the growing pains into our multidimensional oneness... 3rd dimension seems to have a quality of duality that denies oneness... and yet the seeming duality is not inconsistent with oneness... So whatever we feel drawn toward is the direction we should follow it seems and it will be a path of growth and learning...

We like to think we are individuals and evolving ... and we are also aspects of the oneness that has areas in the one multi-dimensionality that is way beyond where you and I are this day... it is not right or wrong... it is simply part of the infinite One Source which we can refer to as Creator-ing....

So enjoy the one-mess of the Oneness as we just keep doing our best....

Love and blessings as always.... John