Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2012 Transitions.... on the bridge...

Beloved friends and family... [aren't we all]...

I am reminded that we are on the bridge between what we thought was our life... and the new beginnings that are emerging... The bridge between the old and new is a letting go into the unknown that can create confusion, chaos, uncertainty and every emotion you can possibly imagine or experience...

The bridge takes us from one side to the other... except we cannot look back or see what awaits us on the far side of the bridge... and the bridge maybe swaying in the winds of change as well!

Where do we go and what do we do?

I suggest that we take time to listen to our heart energy and wisdom... take time to connect in natural settings...  things may occur that may elicit fear... take care and do not let fear guide your life... Let us stay true to what we know is true in our experience... It has been written that we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and strength...."  So whatever you call "the Lord your God" ... the Source of Life... it is time to remind ourselves of our true spiritual home and Love's Source!

As the transitions continue, in addition to being present in the Now, I suggest that we also provide ourselves with some self designed routines that add a bit of structure and productivity in the midst of otherwise chaotic moments and months.

No matter what your take is on 2012 changes, we do not know... and I suggest that we will be provided guidance, as in the past, when it is needed. All our life's experiences, epiphanies, and previous insights provide us with the foundation for the faith in the future... with all it's uncertainty to our ego minds...

Be here in the present moment... Act as response rather than reaction... and stay open to what is and what will be.... letting go of the past negatives and fantasies about tomorrow...

Much Love, John