Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Time Zero

May 6, 2012 Dream snippets

Last night I was presented with two snippets from the dreamtime...

#1: I am in a jet plane and I am viewing the land below as we are moving higher and higher...
#2: Now there is a rocket ready for launch and the countdown is continuing all the way down to zero...

Taken at a personal level, this indicates movement now going on to a higher 'plane' and the actual launch of a new adventure.

If we look at this from a collective perspective, I am both participating and observing this movement. It is what it is. There are no extreme feelings. There is no fear or anxiety or excitement... It just is what it is...  The first phase was a Jet that went to high places, and from there the launching was actually taking place... At the "zero" point of the countdown, I woke with a clear memory of the ride.

Now is always the zero point... "Time Zero" ... as yesterday fades into this moment, time disappears into Presence... into Being... into NOW...