Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fusion Dream... a good reminder...

Last night I was reminded in the dreamtime of the reality of life as energy...
I was meeting different people in a large home and then several of us went outside and it was like a festival going on. As I looked up there was a bright light the was an intense white... too brilliant to look at... like a fusion supernova.. brighter than our sun.... then I saw a dark mushroom cloud... I began to move away and then began to disintegrate and was turning into just color and energy... it seemed like I was moving along the ground and merging with a vehicle that was also only colors and energy... Next I am moving toward a door and somehow make it inside the door of my childhood home. I know there is a mirror there and try to see myself in the mirror but only see the mirror... then I see my father there who appeared young and thin... I tried to open my eyes to see if I had any body left and I opened them to see the dark bedroom... like a lucid dream, I went back and forth to the energy consciousness and then back to form...
When I got up to record the experience, it seemed more real than this world of forms... and I am reminded that all is energy.... and all things are possible...
When we dream, I suggest that we try being aware that we are dreaming and try things that are magical and beyond what we might think of as normal... the next step is to realize that we are only limited by our beliefs... and that we are creating the world that we believe in... so always love... always hope... always chose kindness... if that is the kind of world you wish for...
Much Love,