Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Earth Energy - [Fusion13 Reminder]

"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." ~ Rumi

Earth Energies

Greetings and Love to all who read these words...

Consider: What is your connection to Earth Energy?

  • Do you sense your oneness with the energies of Earth?
  • How do you root yourself in the Earth's healing energies?
  • What is a way you will connect with the natural world today?
  • How do you honor the interconnecting web of life on Earth?

Fusion13 Adventure Rune:

#6 Earth Energy - Embrace the loving and healing energies of nature. Feel the stability and harmony of Mother Earth. Consider that all things are interwoven. We are part of the interconnected web of all Life. Perhaps it's time to incorporate the Earth Energies as part of the resolution to a situation you are facing today.
Your comments, questions, 'pops' and guidance are always welcomed; simply use the comment link at the end of the post or write to john@sunhutch.com ... Feel free to share any of the Fusion13 messages with others who you sense may be interested.

Expect the unexpected and...
May Loving Kindness be our Guide... John
... and welcome to this Present Moment!
John Hutchinson - Denver, Colorado, USA
Fusion13 Adventure Blog: http://f13dna.blogspot.com
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: www.sunhutch.com
If you want to know more of the emerging Fusion13 Adventure, here is a list of introductory posts:
  1. F13-0 Welcome to the Fusion13 Adventure and Blog [March 3, 2012]
  2. F13-1 Initial message and invitation...
  3. F13-2 Clarifying the Great of Adventure - Fusion13 (Feb 27, 2012)
  4. F13-3 Synchronized Support [dream and comments]
  5. F13-5 Adventure Update Feb 29, 2012
Some of these messages were posted out of sequence as they were uploaded from emails in order to make them available online, so the actual posting dates may be off a few days from when they were written.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Dream: Meeting the Alien "Birdmanoid"

Meeting the "Birdmanoid"
Dream [March 22, 2012]:
I am in a facility of some type and new on the job... I'm not sure what I'm to do and certainly do not know my way around yet... it seems that I change clothes... then mention something about being shown around... there is a woman there and we are lying together and talking ...we touch each other and are friendly and intimate... she says she will show me around... as we walk I notice a lot of people walking about and they appear to be busy. We come to an area where some people are gathered around and a woman is pointing to some things on a white board... then I notice there are large pieces of candy and think it is a break area... she asks me if I want to order some, but I decide not to and tell her it is more than I need or want...
It seems that I hear someone mention that it is a penitentiary of some sort and it seems I am in a military facility... perhaps I am a guard or guardian... we are back where we started and I am looking for my clothes... I notice a dog, fairly large and also a large man walking across the room by the wall... it seems he is going to the bathroom and I wonder if he is an inmate...
I lay down to rest on a mattress with covers on the floor and the big  dog comes over to me and is friendly, licking my face and lays beside me and snuggles close... then the large man returns and walks right by my head and stops... I notice his feet are claws, like large bird talons... as he is scratching on the floor, I notice two large alien looking eyes under his pants' leg... then I look up and he has a large metallic contraption on his head that you might see a person wearing who has a broken neck... to stabilize the head while the neck area heals... his energy is quite friendly.. He reaches out with his talons [either foot or hand] and we shake in a friendly way... I realize something is happening as we shake and I look at my hand and arm and there is a message embossed on it in a very neat way... it looks quite clear with some numbers and word symbols... before I can make it out, some man is taking me away to have it cleansed or removed and I do not get a chance to read the message... I am taken around a large machine to an adjacent area and there is Joe Biden who has removed the message from my hand and arm... Joe and are have a friendly chat... but I am curious as to what the message was about...
Comments and day-journey in imagery:
As I journey to that space of connecting with the "birdmanoid" I know he is friendly and loving... a kind look in his eyes... it is as if he has been kept a secret for a long time and locked away... I look again at the message and it begins with 731 and then continues on... I recognize the number as my old USAF radar squadron number...he is telling me he knows who I am... he says telepathically... "just as the radar squadron is buried now on top of the mountain, so the ego structures wish to keep buried the truth of off planet life... and the individual ego is part of a collective ego to suppress this information and the spiritual essence and oneness of life... we are capable of anything... we do not travel with fuel as you think of it in the 3rd dimensional world... we move by intention... with a system not affected by 3-Dimensional gravity...we communicate without speaking... we as you are all multidimensional... you will soon see more as you accept this fact and know that time as you think of it is only a construct of the 3rd dimension... You know within you that you are made of stardust and are meant to soar as well as incorporate your wisdom and knowledge to creating a unified planet and universe... I am an inmate here so I can try to reach others trapped in this 3-D system... my Dog is the ambassador that allows me entrance to you, so you will not be afraid... You governing powers and others beyond them want to control the message that goes out in order to control the population... if anything they are controlled by the grab for ultimate power and control over the planet... this will fail... but for now they will assume the illusion of control... We are here to help on all levels... I am your friend... welcome us and do not be afraid... When they disclose our presence, they will try their best to paint us in battle paint and call us the enemy... we are your friends and will continue to help in every way we can..."
So is this being a part of my psyche and an attempt to bring some integration of the bird or flying object energy into the human form? Is this an actual entity from who knows where? It seems what matters is the message and the integration and openness to what is new and emerging...that which seems alien to our ego and to many on this planet... it is just as probable that life forms from different dimensions or galaxies exist as that Life exists at all... who are we to define what is real and what is possible... we have had to let go of old ideas of reality during every paradigm shift throughout history...
This time is the time of another paradigm shift, or so it seems... let us be open and be alert... and continue to act with loving kindness... even to the ego structures we continue to live with... both within our individual psyches and in the collective psyche...
Let Love be our guide... and take things less personally... it's going to be okay...

Pawelek Interview disclosing AVCs [UFOs] and Chip info... plus...

Have you had an abduction experience? Is there some time periods that you have no memory except before and after?

AVC = Alien Visitation Craft
ETV = Extraterrestrial Vehicle
UFO = Unidentified Flying Object [orchestrated name to perpetuate the 'unknown' mystery myth]

There has recently been some alien types who have showed up in my dreamtime... the following interview is with William Pawelek who has super credentials and is a no-nonsense guy who only agreed for this disclosure interview to be released after his death... He passed over in 2007 and this video was first released in 2010... it does not appear to be hype or sensationalism in any way... and it seems we need to remain open to our other neighbors helping the cause.... without getting lost in the hyper-sensationalism that can surround the ufology and conspiracy stories... there is more than meets the eye...



This is a follow up on the Wm Pawelek [pollack] interview... for those who are interested... I like the credible information and clear data as well as the way it is presented.... 

Dr. Steven Greer & Dr. Ted Loder : William Pawelec - (December 24th, 2010) 

In 2000 - 2001 before the historic National Press Club Disclosure event in May 2001, Dr. Greer went around the world videotaping over 100 witnesses. Some asked that their testimony not be released until after their deaths. Mr. Pawelec is one of those. He had a UFO sighting while in the Air Force but the most interesting part of his testimony is what he learned while doing very high level security work for private and governmental sources after he left the military.

You may see his testimony at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yytSNQ2ogD4 ...

Dr. Loder and Dr. Greer discuss the implications. How does it affect the functioning of our government? Disclosure? Who is running the show? How many people know the score? And why are they silent? 

The Disclosure Project website: http://disclosureproject.org 

We present this information for your education... we do not know about the data provided and do not endorse any of the websites or people presented other than to provide their opinions and viewpoints... there presentation seems credible and is based on 'witness' accounts...

You may include your comments at the end of this post or send directly to john@sunhutch.com

Monday, March 19, 2012

2 Videos: You are Love + 2012: Year of Power

Two Lee Harris Videos recommended by Carol Dombrose of Angel House and a Fusion13 participant....
2012: The Year of Power [abt 22 mins] :
Once again, I do appreciate the comments, questions, 'pops' and guidance you are sharing... feel free to share any of these messages with others who may be interested... spread the Love...
Expect the unexpected and...
May Loving Kindness be our Guide... John
... and welcome to this Present Moment!
John Hutchinson - Denver, Colorado, USA
Fusion13 Adventure Blog: http://f13dna.blogspot.com
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: www.sunhutch.com
If you want to know more of the emerging Fusion13 Adventure, here is a list of introductory posts:
  1. F13-0 Welcome to the Fusion13 Adventure and Blog [March 3, 2012]
  2. F13-1 Initial message and invitation...
  3. F13-2 Clarifying the Great of Adventure - Fusion13 (Feb 27, 2012)
  4. F13-3 Synchronized Support [dream and comments]
  5. F13-4 The Spirit of Frankness - Dream and Comments
  6. F13-5 Adventure Update Feb 29, 2012
Some of these messages were posted out of sequence as they were uploaded from emails in order to make them available online, so the actual posting dates may be off a few days from when they were written.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Carol's Experience with Goddess Energy

Greetings to all...
I asked Carol, a friend and also Fusion13 participant, if she would like to say more about her experience with Goddess energy. She responded with a wonderful story of the experience and then gave me permission to share it with you. I hope you find it as inspiring and encouraging as I have...
from Carol D, Angel House in OH >>>

"I can tell you how I first encountered the Goddess. I was talking a while ago to someone about the Goddess and what it meant to the feminine. I must have woke her up because then the next morning, when I awoke, the most powerful, magnificent Goddess figure came to me and filled me with the power of the heavens. 

The energy rushed through me and touched every part of my being. First she assured me that all my dreams for Angel House would be fulfilled because it was already done, it had already been finished and I just needed to get out of the way so it could be completed. 

Then the energy continued to flow, now focusing on my son, who is having a very difficult time right now. His life is falling apart and this energy that came through me could now go to him. I knew and felt the force of the energy, that now that it had been opened in me, could flow through me to him since he came from me, he is still connected to me energetically and my opening can allow him to also open to his own power. 

It continued going through my life in this way. Bringing power to everything that is me. It related to the love that I knew with [my husband and partner] and that I share now with all in my life. My body contorted and moved with the energy as it continued to flow through me. I have never felt such a power before. Something opened that can never be closed again. This is the missing piece as to who I am and how to let the Source energy flow through me without getting stopped through my filter along the way. The door is open and I can breathe and move freely in the power of the energy that fills life.

As we have been told, we think we are a human being having a spiritual experience when actually we are a spiritual being having a human experience. What I realized after this opening was that the spiritual being in me, the angel, tried to skip the human experience because I did not like how it felt and was just going to continue to be the light and love of the spiritual being that I wanted to be. Well, of course, it did not work. I signed up for a human experience and that is what I would have... like it or not!!! 

So in trying to be only the Spiritual being, (the good little girl) I closed off a big part of me that has now reopened and allows much power to fill all that is in my life. 

Words do not do justice to what the experience felt like. It was magnificent and powerful just like the Goddess that brought it to me. The name that came to me was Athena, the daughter of Zeus. 

This energy continues to rise in me at times when I am falling into the 'helpless little girl' space. I can no longer hide there because there is a force that comes through me that I can no longer deny. It is not me, but coming through me and since this space has been opened, I can not stop its power from moving me to where I need to be. 

So that is my Goddess story, thanks for asking... Love and Hugs, Carol"

And thanks very much to you, Carol, for sharing this remarkable experience with us!! 

Expect the unexpected ...
May Loving Kindness be our Guide....John
 ... and welcome to this Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Fusion13 Adventure: http://f13dna.blogspot.com 
Sundance Center for Conscious Living: www.sunhutch.com 
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it."  ~ Rumi
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Friday, March 16, 2012

Remembering Dreams

Remembering Dreams
Do you dream? Yes you do... sleep and dream research has shown that we all go through certain cycles while sleeping in which dreams occur. The real truth is that if you think you do not dream, it is because you don't recall them upon waking. You may wish to not remember your dreams or you may not have any reason to remember your dreams. If you have no way to work with the dreamtime memories and messages, why should you remember the dream scenes and emotions?
Hopefully, in reading this dream booklet, you are getting a sense of how to begin working with dreams. If you are wishing to remember your dreams more of the time, the following list of hints may be useful.
  1. You do dream... it is a fact...
  2. Have a reason to remember your dreams... that reason may be curiosity, you may wish to explore personal and spiritual growth through dreams, or any number of other reasons...
  3. Have a way to work with your dreamtime memories. Many would not know what to do with a dream if they did remember one. The material we are presenting may help with that issue...
  4. Share your dreams with another person or a group interested in exploring the dreamtime reality. There are dream groups around and online. Some towns and cities have meet-up groups with specific interests. I also offer help with working with your dreamtime. More info can be found in the archives at the Dreamus Aliveus blog [ http://f13dna.blogspot.com ]...
  5. Keep a dream journal and a note pad beside your bed. Make enough notes so it will key your memory. If you wake in the middle of the night, it may be best to actually record as much of the dream as possible since it may be gone by morning... and you can work on it later.
  6. Use any size dreamtime memory... from just a sense of what the dream was about... to a novella! I record anything I recall from the dreamtime and also daytime 'pops' or intuitive visions. I will record a feeling even if it as simple as: "dream felt really good"... this may reflect something from yesterday or other dreams.
  7. "Sleepus Interruptus"... if having trouble remembering dreams, you can set your alarm to go off in the night. This is only recommended as a last resort and you need to make sure you are getting proper rest.
  8. Proper rest is important... a nap during the day can also help the dreamtime process... along with proper rest goes proper nutrition as well...
  9. Set clear intention to recall dreams. I suggest you say something like this to your unconscious mind that presents the dreams in your sleep: "I will wake in the morning refreshed and remembering my dreams."
We may continue to see messages of transitions in the year 2012 and beyond. Some scientists suggest that the geomagnetic and sun flare energies that are intensifying this year are actually creating some mutation to the carbon structure in our world and in our bodies... this may shift the messages in dreams as well...too soon to tell.
As always, you are invited to share your dreamtime images and daytime 'intuitive 'pops'... I do appreciate the comments, questions, dreams, 'pops' and guidance you are sharing...
May our Dreamtime messages enliven our waking moments... John
... and welcome to this Present Moment!
John Hutchinson - Denver, Colorado, USA
Dreamus Aliveus & Fusion13 Blog: http://f13dna.blogspot.com
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: www.sunhutch.com
If you want to know more about Dreamus Aliveus and/or Fusion13, here are a few links. Other articles are linked through the archive list in the right sidebar:
  1. Welcome to Dreamus Aliveus
  2. Dreamus Aliveus & Fusion13 Web-Page
  3. Sundance Center for Conscious Living
Some of these messages were posted out of sequence as they were uploaded from emails in order to make them available online, so the actual posting dates may be off a few days from when they were written.