Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Friday, March 9, 2012

F13-14: Dream: "The Virgin Born Baby"

"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." ~ Rumi
"The Virgin Born Baby"
There are some dreams that one always remembers... and this is one of those unforgettable dreams... I came during a time when I was studying the "Course in Miracles"...around 1988...
I am with a female who is part of my extended family, related by marriage... she is holding a child... I approach them from the back and wrap my arms around them... I know it is our child even though we never had sex... As I embrace them, I look at the young child, our eyes meet and there is this extraordinary connection that feels of cosmic proportions ... I am feeling such Love pouring around the 3 of us and all through me... I am aware I am dreaming and continue to sense the cosmic love coursing through my entire being... I just laid in bed as I went from dreamtime to being awake...and back and forth... just enjoying the pleasure of the joy and love that was present.
This is an example of a spiritual dream that really shows the integrative power that can come to us through the dreamtime... there was the coming together of the masculine and feminine aspects in such a way... a virgin birth of sorts... that produced this new cosmic child... perhaps we could call it the ""Christ consciousness" for it is certainly what it felt like... and the pure loving and healing energy that was present in my physical body was incredible...
Today I thought of a quick exercise that we could do each day to remind us of the miracle of the moment and staying in the present... you might want to try this ...
Take a few moments to imagine yourself as an infant... pure and innocent... with no baggage... no issues... no years of 'domestication' by the tribe... no words or labels for things you see... no language to figure out... just pure awareness... pure being... pure consciousness...
I suggest we embrace this child of wonder and of Life as the essential Soul that we are... present in this moment... mindful in this moment, without the clutter of data... just bask in the delight of being a child of the cosmos... and the Source, which is Life, is choosing to breathe through you and me...
We are truly 'miracles of participation' in this Great Mystery we call LIFE!
Once again, I do appreciate the comments, questions, 'pops' and guidance you are sharing... feel free to share any of these messages with others who you think may be interested... anyone can subscribe to these post by contacting me or by visiting the Fusion13-Dreamus Aliveus log and entering the email address in the subscription box.
May Loving Kindness be our Guide... John
... and welcome to this Present Moment!
John Hutchinson - Denver, Colorado, USA
Fusion13 Adventure Blog: http://f13dna.blogspot.com
Facebook Fushion13 Page: http://facebook.com/f13dna  
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: www.sunhutch.com
John's Facebook page: http://facebook.com/sunhutch
If you want to know more of the emerging Fusion13 Adventure, here is a list of introductory posts:
  1. F13-0 Welcome to the Fusion13 Adventure and Blog [March 3, 2012]
  2. F13-1 Initial message and invitation...
  3. F13-2 Clarifying the Great of Adventure - Fusion13 (Feb 27, 2012)
  4. F13-3 Synchronized Support [dream and comments]
  5. F13-4 The Spirit of Frankness - Dream and Comments
  6. F13-5 Adventure Update Feb 29, 2012
Some of these messages were posted out of sequence as they were uploaded from emails in order to make them available online, so the actual posting dates may be off a few days from when they were written.