Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Friday, March 16, 2012

Remembering Dreams

Remembering Dreams
Do you dream? Yes you do... sleep and dream research has shown that we all go through certain cycles while sleeping in which dreams occur. The real truth is that if you think you do not dream, it is because you don't recall them upon waking. You may wish to not remember your dreams or you may not have any reason to remember your dreams. If you have no way to work with the dreamtime memories and messages, why should you remember the dream scenes and emotions?
Hopefully, in reading this dream booklet, you are getting a sense of how to begin working with dreams. If you are wishing to remember your dreams more of the time, the following list of hints may be useful.
  1. You do dream... it is a fact...
  2. Have a reason to remember your dreams... that reason may be curiosity, you may wish to explore personal and spiritual growth through dreams, or any number of other reasons...
  3. Have a way to work with your dreamtime memories. Many would not know what to do with a dream if they did remember one. The material we are presenting may help with that issue...
  4. Share your dreams with another person or a group interested in exploring the dreamtime reality. There are dream groups around and online. Some towns and cities have meet-up groups with specific interests. I also offer help with working with your dreamtime. More info can be found in the archives at the Dreamus Aliveus blog [ http://f13dna.blogspot.com ]...
  5. Keep a dream journal and a note pad beside your bed. Make enough notes so it will key your memory. If you wake in the middle of the night, it may be best to actually record as much of the dream as possible since it may be gone by morning... and you can work on it later.
  6. Use any size dreamtime memory... from just a sense of what the dream was about... to a novella! I record anything I recall from the dreamtime and also daytime 'pops' or intuitive visions. I will record a feeling even if it as simple as: "dream felt really good"... this may reflect something from yesterday or other dreams.
  7. "Sleepus Interruptus"... if having trouble remembering dreams, you can set your alarm to go off in the night. This is only recommended as a last resort and you need to make sure you are getting proper rest.
  8. Proper rest is important... a nap during the day can also help the dreamtime process... along with proper rest goes proper nutrition as well...
  9. Set clear intention to recall dreams. I suggest you say something like this to your unconscious mind that presents the dreams in your sleep: "I will wake in the morning refreshed and remembering my dreams."
We may continue to see messages of transitions in the year 2012 and beyond. Some scientists suggest that the geomagnetic and sun flare energies that are intensifying this year are actually creating some mutation to the carbon structure in our world and in our bodies... this may shift the messages in dreams as well...too soon to tell.
As always, you are invited to share your dreamtime images and daytime 'intuitive 'pops'... I do appreciate the comments, questions, dreams, 'pops' and guidance you are sharing...
May our Dreamtime messages enliven our waking moments... John
... and welcome to this Present Moment!
John Hutchinson - Denver, Colorado, USA
Dreamus Aliveus & Fusion13 Blog: http://f13dna.blogspot.com
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: www.sunhutch.com
If you want to know more about Dreamus Aliveus and/or Fusion13, here are a few links. Other articles are linked through the archive list in the right sidebar:
  1. Welcome to Dreamus Aliveus
  2. Dreamus Aliveus & Fusion13 Web-Page
  3. Sundance Center for Conscious Living
Some of these messages were posted out of sequence as they were uploaded from emails in order to make them available online, so the actual posting dates may be off a few days from when they were written.