Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

F13-16 Fusion13 Update - March 13, 2012

"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." ~ Rumi
F13-16 Fusion13 Update - March 13, 2012
We continue to share information... we continue to emerge and reconnect with forgotten aspects of the soul... seeds of unconditional love... all at our own pace... the dreamscape indicates to me that I am in a new school... and learning situation... connecting with astral dimensions and energies... I would like to move more quickly, and am also trusting that my dense body will be able to get the transitional energies and direction...

I wonder if I try too hard at times to fit things together rather than allowing them to emerge... there are indications of travel and leadership meetings... and this may be at an astral level... I am willingly opening 'my' door now so have gone past some of the ego defenses... I am in the "water" and have decided to get fully involved in whatever I am getting involved in.... we are all continuing our path... I was shown a cross symbol of 4 pyramids or triangles pointing to a center point ... I have been connected to Lemurian energies either within 'my' soul or in the astral dimension and expect more will be revealed as needed... the Lemurian energy was quite friendly and loving... a musician who confirmed our music or harmonies are quite similar... and that he is from a dimension that is here now... I would suggest that we continue to suspend our old concepts of time and space to be in tune with the changes that are occurring... within us and in the universe...

We can begin to assume that the spaciousness of unconditional love resides in every morsel of every cell in the universe... it is substantial and more than a belief or concept or ???... assume it is playing a real part... this Loving God Energy... and we are loved beyond measure... this is more than a feeling... or thought... it is what holds the shifting universe in place and is moving toward a synthesis that cannot be stopped even though so think they can stop it... we can get our ego out of the way and allow the energy that is to flow...to heal... to refresh our souls of their intended mission...

I sense either travel in this dimension or in other dimensions will take us to the leadership training and provide the experience we need for our journey... I sense that we continue to have assistance from other dimensions whatever we want to call these entities and I am grateful... I sense that the future is here right now... as we allow it to emerge... time is no longer an issue... we are timeless...always have been... always will be... stay present and be with the depth energy of the heart....

The information I glean is the best summary of the thread of information that I am understanding of this emerging process... we are not about establishing any new "religion"... we are finally opening to the truth of what has always been... there is hope... if you wish to listen and watch the news, simply view it as an unreal sports match... the world view of most reporting is ego driven...ratings driven... where do rating come from.... egos... and the pools that reflect the ego wants of a culture and society... it is all good even in its misguided messaging... people feel the need to make money and strive after what they think will make them happy... yet there will always be another thing that the ego will point to..."if only I had this or that... I need a new...."

So my dreams and pops come with sometimes more clarity than other times... and my interpretations are part of my projections onto them and the world... so always go with what seems right to you and listen to the authority of your heart, your dreams, pops, and guidance ... There is much information out there... and you can get millions of hits from every google search... I truly believe and trust we receive the information we need for our journey as we need it... live in the Wisdom on uncertainty... for most thoughts of tomorrow are simply a fantasy projection... let us continue to be present in this moment...
Once again, I do appreciate the comments, links, questions, 'pops' and guidance you are sharing... feel free to share any of these messages with others who are connected or connecting with your soul cluster...

Expect the unexpected and...
May Loving Kindness be our Guide... John
... and welcome to this Present Moment!
John Hutchinson - Denver, Colorado, USA
Fusion13 Adventure Blog: http://f13dna.blogspot.com
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: www.sunhutch.com
If you want to know more of the emerging Fusion13 Adventure, here is a list of introductory posts:
  1. F13-0 Welcome to the Fusion13 Adventure and Blog [March 3, 2012]
  2. F13-1 Initial message and invitation...
  3. F13-2 Clarifying the Great of Adventure - Fusion13 (Feb 27, 2012)
  4. F13-3 Synchronized Support [dream and comments]
  5. F13-4 The Spirit of Frankness - Dream and Comments
  6. F13-5 Adventure Update Feb 29, 2012
Some of these messages were posted out of sequence as they were uploaded from emails in order to make them available online, so the actual posting dates may be off a few days from when they were written.