Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Friday, March 23, 2012

Pawelek Interview disclosing AVCs [UFOs] and Chip info... plus...

Have you had an abduction experience? Is there some time periods that you have no memory except before and after?

AVC = Alien Visitation Craft
ETV = Extraterrestrial Vehicle
UFO = Unidentified Flying Object [orchestrated name to perpetuate the 'unknown' mystery myth]

There has recently been some alien types who have showed up in my dreamtime... the following interview is with William Pawelek who has super credentials and is a no-nonsense guy who only agreed for this disclosure interview to be released after his death... He passed over in 2007 and this video was first released in 2010... it does not appear to be hype or sensationalism in any way... and it seems we need to remain open to our other neighbors helping the cause.... without getting lost in the hyper-sensationalism that can surround the ufology and conspiracy stories... there is more than meets the eye...



This is a follow up on the Wm Pawelek [pollack] interview... for those who are interested... I like the credible information and clear data as well as the way it is presented.... 

Dr. Steven Greer & Dr. Ted Loder : William Pawelec - (December 24th, 2010) 

In 2000 - 2001 before the historic National Press Club Disclosure event in May 2001, Dr. Greer went around the world videotaping over 100 witnesses. Some asked that their testimony not be released until after their deaths. Mr. Pawelec is one of those. He had a UFO sighting while in the Air Force but the most interesting part of his testimony is what he learned while doing very high level security work for private and governmental sources after he left the military.

You may see his testimony at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yytSNQ2ogD4 ...

Dr. Loder and Dr. Greer discuss the implications. How does it affect the functioning of our government? Disclosure? Who is running the show? How many people know the score? And why are they silent? 

The Disclosure Project website: http://disclosureproject.org 

We present this information for your education... we do not know about the data provided and do not endorse any of the websites or people presented other than to provide their opinions and viewpoints... there presentation seems credible and is based on 'witness' accounts...

You may include your comments at the end of this post or send directly to john@sunhutch.com