Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Friday, March 2, 2012

F13-6 Fusion 13 Adventure Update - March 2, 2012

F13-6 Fusion13 Adventure Update - March 2, 2012
Hello from John...
This update is being sent to all my email contacts and may be forwarded to anyone you feel led to send it to... future posts will be sent only to those interested in the Fusion13 adventure and to those who indicated an interest in dreams.
As earlier described, it seems rather simple to think of clusters of 13 souls, although any cluster or cell is unlimited... I would encourage each person who decides to consciously be a part of this adventure in conscious expansion to also watch for 12 other souls coming to you to connect in a conscious way as you decide to put out your energy in this direction. You may use any of the posts and emails you receive from me...
Another synchronous connection was made yesterday with a New Zealand-er living in Hong Kong who seems to be part of our 'soul cluster'... Yesterday, I chose to wear a rarely used hat with a name on it and later received the email from a person with the same name... and in the dreamtime was given confirmation of this connection... we continue to trust the Universe and unseen guidance as our souls work together at other dimensions...
As we continue to 'practice' and refine our soul connections, I will make available the names and contact information of those who wish to have their info made available for others in the Fusion13 adventure...
The name, "Fusion13 Adventure," is seemingly arbitrary [is anything really?] in order to have a shorthand name to use in writing, although it does emerge from direct pops of "13" and also another direct pop involving a 'fusion energy' research corporation (lodestar)... recently I have also become aware of the 12 strand activation going on in our being... and I see these 12 strands as being held together by a core Light energy strand that is the Source and alignment dynamic...
For now I will post all Fusion13 info on the former "Dreamus Aliveus" webpage and the address of that blog is now http://f13dna.blogspot.com  ... You may make direct comments at the end of each post which will be moderated to ensure quality control or you may send comments and questions and posts to me directly at john@sunhutch.com ... If you wish to receive summary updates of posts, go to the blog and enter your email in the appropriate box in the right side menu. You will then receive an email and you must click the link on that email's link to confirm your choice and receive post summaries.
If you are reading this and want to know more of this evolving and emerging Fusion13 adventure in what we might call soul-cluster consciousness, please see the archive list in the right side menu of the blog... and for your convenience, here is a list of the recent initial posts:
  1. F13-1 Special message and invitation...
  2. F13-2 Clarifying the Great of Adventure - Fusion13 (Feb 27, 2012)
  3. F13-3 Synchronized Support [dream and comments]
  4. F13-4 The Spirit of Frankness - Dream and Comments
  5. F13-5 Adventure Update Feb 29, 2012
Some of these messages were posted out of sequence as I uploaded them later to have them available online, so disregard the actual posting dates.
As all of us, I do receive 'pops' throughout the waking hours and also in the dreamtime. I cannot record and publish all of this, but will share selected ones that may be beneficial in a supportive way to others.
If you have no current desire to consciously participate...[and we are still learning what that means]... but remain interested, then you are invited to tell me of your interest and I will keep sending you the Fusion13 messages.. All of life is inclusive and we are open to full disclosure and honesty.
Let the positive energy flow... John