Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"New School" - Dream and comments - 3-6-12 [Dreamus Aliveus-Fusion13]

Dreamus Aliveus - March 6, 2012
"New School"
I am in a large group setting, like a cafeteria... an acquaintance from a former marriage is coordinating people and is almost like a cheerleader... then I am aware that I have been brought to a different school than the one I normally attend... I am sitting in a classroom and there is a teacher and his assistant ... the lead teacher is telling us that we are to read a book he is handing out and then he will be asking some in-depth questions to make sure we are getting the meaning...
The scene shifts and I am at a bus where people are getting on... I am with another acquaintance from that former marriage who is the brother of the first one... he is an athlete and has strong muscles... He is somewhat upset with me for punching him in the arm... which I do not remember doing, so figure it must have been sometime in the past...
Now the scene shifts again and we are in the ocean and still part of the same class... and the teacher comes along and is asking others questions... then it seems time to leave, I am unsure of the book's content and do not remember if I even received it... I am now in a parking lot and I see the car that I came in, but it was not my car... it seemed to be a car that was loaned to me to get to this school... Then a woman comes and gets in and drives away... The teacher has come to talk to me now and I tell him that I need to walk since the car I came in is gone... I then find myself at a place where the car is parked and some of the classmates are there and playing like kids, having fun...
What follows is a rewrite of the dream dynamics to glean what the messages are:
I am with what appears to be a new group of souls and the coordinator/cheerleader aspect is a soul or aspect of the psyche that is related to the past ...and to a former life... I am brought to this new learning experience... all things are new... there are more lessons to learn and the teacher has assistance in the task...We will be tested to see what we learned...
There is transition going on...we are going somewhere as a group... I am connecting with an entity or aspect of the psyche that has much strength and I need to make peace with this energy of strength... again it is from the past either in this life or a former life... this aspect is a confident team player and leader...
We are all in the vastness and expansive energy of the ocean of consciousness... where there are deep currents and active power ...I continue to have teachers and am with others in a learning situation.... There is much that is unknown to me... and I do not have my own vehicle as yet but have a way to come to this new school of learning... When the teacher comes to talk the ego aspect (the "I") moves away and does not want to be exposed as not knowing... now I see the vehicle and am observing other classmates having fun... rather than join the fun, my ego judges the fun as frivolous and wayward... What are my blocks to having fun?
You are invited to share your dreamtime images and daytime 'intuitive 'pops'... I do appreciate the comments, questions, dreams, 'pops' and guidance you are sharing...
May our Dreamtime messages enliven our waking moments... John
... and welcome to this Present Moment!
John Hutchinson - Denver, Colorado, USA
Dreamus Aliveus & Fusion13 Blog: http://f13dna.blogspot.com
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: www.sunhutch.com
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  1. Welcome to Dreamus Aliveus
  2. Dreamus Aliveus & Fusion13 Web-Page
Some of these messages were posted out of sequence as they were uploaded from emails in order to make them available online, so the actual posting dates may be off a few days from when they were written.