Fusion13 Update Feb. 29, 2012
[Note - some of the references are to dreams of the past few days.]
The "team" continues to practice... I am being given some powerful images of what can happen... things that are far beyond our "beliefs" about our abilities and influence...
In our ordinary consciousness, we tend to believe what our tribal and cultural "authority" figures tell us... we believe the health professionals who are trained mostly in a very mechanistic worldview... we believe the news, which comes from stories handed to them by the powers that be that wish to shape public opinion... likewise we may believe what we see on TV and in other media instruments that are trying to sell products... we believe certain foods are good or bad depending on who the authority of the day may be... and in all of this we are to try to determine what is really true or really healthy, etc....
There may a little truth in all of the above...or at least enough so we "believe"... and the words sound credible...
We are encouraged to look within for guidance...
And to share what our guidance is ...for the good of the group... My words only have meaning for you if there is some inner click or "yes" that tells you that you recognize the common truth of spirit... I do my best to convey the message and info that I receive... and yet there is always the personal "john" filter in which experience and inner knowing is translated into words, which are always limited...
So, this is a disclosure and reminder that the truth that rings a bell within you is the final authority for your life... I am not that authority... and only do what I sense I am lead to do and say...
There is a team that I am part of... our higher selves and guides know the members, I do not... but it is apparent we are in preparation mode and we are on the field...
The frankness of Spirit is enlivening and is also a threat at times to our ego identities... there is a greater and more endowed leader and teacher that is helping me...even if it means confrontation and conflict with my smaller ego...
A super powerful header, where a soccer ball goes sailing out of sight, signifies a power that is beyond what we consider human... supra-natural... it is a reminder that there is a realm of possibilities that we are opening to at this time... and it is using the head in an amazing way... the mind is more than a brain within boundaries of the skull...it is interconnected consciousness... we are interconnected consciousness... we are losing the boundaries imposed by old beliefs about what is possible...
Continue to ask for truth and for help in seeing a new way.... Continue to notice the synchronicities of life and how some things just pop into consciousness... you may be remembering more of your dreamtime travel and experience... you may be feeling a new pull in this way or that way... look inside now... look for the things you want and need inside of yourself... do not look to others for what only can come from within you... and also be aware of the angels among us... we never know who may be a special angel...
Remember, sometimes getting 'pissed on' is beyond 'good' or 'bad'...sometimes it is just a way for Spirit to stoke the fires or give us a swift and loving kick in the butt.
What is opening in your life?
What do you believe is limiting you?
If all the blocks are gone, what does your life look like in this moment?
Feel free to share your responses with me. Confidentiality is always respected and if I use information you share, it will be done anonymously unless you state otherwise.
May the Spirit of Love and Power with Compassion be with us all....
JH - Feb. 29, 2012
This is being sent to you if you are part of our Fusion13 adventure; if you are considering being a part of the Fusion13 adventure; or if you are interested in dreams and meaning...
As always, you are invited to share your thoughts, dream scenes, or other received messages...
added March 5, 2012
Fusion13– Intro Links
If you have an interest in the concept of our Higher Selves and soul clusters joining forces to help usher in Loving Kindness, you are invited to check out any or all of the following links on the Fusion13 Adventure Blog:
Expect the unexpected and ...
May Loving Kindness be our Guide... John
... and welcome to this Present Moment!

John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Sundance Center Webpage: www.sunhutch.com
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