Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Levels of Dreams

Different 'Levels' of Dreams
Life and consciousness can be seen as pure energy that is perceived or sensed in various frequencies and densities...
Therefore, as we approach dreams, the wise unconscious mind or our Higher Self provides a picture of dynamic frequencies in dream symbols and images that are common to our stories or experience... and the stories we have absorbed through others.
Dream dynamics often will refer to the ego structure and our personal experiences in daily life... Often the feeling of fear in a dream is because something may be trying to come to consciousness that the ego does not like or want... the ego's job has been a survival dynamic from day one to help us cope in the world and in the scenes we were brought into... The ego does a good job of strengthening itself over the years to help us cope and find survival modes in life. As we move toward expanding consciousness beyond the stories and domestication we lived through, the ego is still doing its job of protecting its boundaries... It is quite conservative in the sense that the first response is to not want change or disruption of the known structures... and so, as in life, it may use fear to stop our movement to pure awareness...
I always look at dreams from several perspectives...
  1. Personal Dimension: The dream is a reflection of what's happening at a personality level... each part is a part of my personal psyche... Look to see where the feelings in the dream may mirror some feeling you are having at the same time in your daily life.
  2. Spiritual Dimension: The dream may be a message from our Higher Self and is asking us to move toward expanded consciousness or providing insight or guidance;
  3. Prophetic Dimension: It's a message about others or something going on in the collective consciousness of the globe or some Earth changes...
And there are more, but this will suffice for now...
Dreams may apply both to the personal and spiritual dimensions since they are one and there are no boundaries... By approaching and understanding our dreams from various perspectives or 'levels' we can become our own best guide and counselor. 
If you have a dream on which you would like some feedback, send it to john@sunhutch.com and I will comment on it.

Expect the unexpected ...
May Love and Peace be with us....John
 ... and welcome to this Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Sundance Center: www.sunhutch.com 
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it."  ~ Rumi
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