Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Saturday, March 3, 2012

F13-8: Questions and Concerns [Fusion13]

"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." ~ Rumi

F13-8; Fusion13 – Questions and Concerns – March 3, 2012

Thank you for the responses and comments I have received… some as short as “Yes” and some sharing many experiences of this life’s story. I decided to answer some of the questions and concerns in a general post since others may share those questions or concerns as well as future readers of the blog posts for the Fusion13 Adventure [F13]

Some have fear or caution since they have been through ‘negative’ group experiences where an authority figure tried to control others and the group.  I have also had this experience in this lifetime and I’m would not be surprised if we all have had a similar experience in past lives.

If at any time, you sense this is happening, please say something and raise your present concern. I do my best to practice inclusiveness, equality, openness with a sense of love and respect for all. I believe it is up to each of us to follow our intuitive knowing… If something seems right, test it out, if something seems off for you, create a conversation to clarify… or simply let it go…

I recommend we depend on our intuitive ‘pops’ or ‘sparks’ and the messages we receive through dreams and meditations to be our guide… as long it is positive, kind, and respectful of ALL. On most things when I receive these pops or dream messages, I may not have any clue what it initially means and then something comes together later.

How many are in the group? The short answer is everyone. People who have responded to the special invitation I sent with a “Yes” number about 5, with several other “Yes” connects coming from other sources. And there are about 10-11 people, as far as I know who have said they have an interest but are not ready to say yes.

What is expected of me? I do not expect anything of you. What do you expect or want to do to cooperate with the changes and transitioning energies that continue to surround planet Earth and the Universe? I will continue to share what insights or signals I receive through this ‘John-form’ and you are invited to share whatever you feel you wish to share.

“I want to be a part of Fusion13, but do not feel ready to be a focalizer for a group.” There is no requirement for you to do anything, except perhaps to be open to the leading of Spirit. I assume if you wish to be part of a group that is supporting positive energy and change, that you probably already have ways you do that. It would be nice if we can all share our wisdom and insights with others as a means of positive encouragement, focus, and support.

Free Will“I’ll agree with the idea that this is a flexible agreement that I may come and go in my perfectly imperfect self.”  It seems the answer to this is always “yes”… anyone’s commitment to serve the ‘will’ of the Universe… or to try our best to align with the direction the energy of Source is moving is always our personal choice… free will, if you will!

Need more information
“I am interested in receiving more information. Thanks for the invitation.”
I wish there was a booklet or business plan with a personnel handbook, but this isn’t that kind of thing since we are all watching and participating in Fusion13’s emerging development. I have included the list of links to various initial posts so you may catch up [see below]… also the blog archive is located in the right sidebar at the Fusion13 Adventure Blog: http://f13dna.blogspot.com
added March 5, 2012
Fusion13– Intro Links
If you have an interest in the concept of our Higher Selves and soul clusters joining forces to help usher in Loving Kindness, you are invited to check out any or all of the following links on the Fusion13 Adventure Blog:

“So finally, YES - I want to be one of [Fusion] 13 cluster - how do I do that?”
You just did… there are no initiations or fees or forms [although perhaps I will send a form for people to share what they wish to share about their journey or interests]…

Protection?  Paraphrased question: “As a sensitive, intuitive, and empathic person, I still seem to pick up so much of other people’s energy and feelings. Is there some way I can protect myself so this does not happen?”  Well, It seems there are some ways that help me and I’m not sure if they would help you or others. I invite others reading this who identify with this issue of energetic protection to respond and share your ways of protecting yourself. Here are some things I do or have done:

·         I sometimes limit where I go. If I know a place will be loud and noises or have certain commercial energy, I just stay away…

·         If I find myself in a crowded space and even a medium sized group of people, I will often go outside for some air, go to the bathroom and do some protection visualization, or go wash the dishes, which almost guarantees you will be left alone…

·         If I sense I will need protection before going somewhere I will use a visualization that surrounds me energetic protective armor and also has sensing shield that read the energy with letting it come into my energetic fields. I will also visualize a shield that will allow positive energies to flow outward and to read positive energies coming in… and you can use whatever visualization you choose of course

·         Some people like to visualize a special object of protect or carry a little stone or item that reminds them they are protected.

·         If you are sensitive in these ways it may be important to monitor you energy more closely and a scale of 0-10 with 10 being fully awake, aware and in touch with your highest level of integrity, harmony and life energy. The when you are going out or for any situation, read your monitor, before and then after. If you are feeling a lot lower energy or feel drained or other more lower levels, take a moment to use whatever methods you use to center yourself and rebalance your energies. I generally just sit with the energy and breath into it until in releases or again do visualization along with breath-work to rebalance and re-center, getting awareness back to the present moment.

·         More responses and options to follow….

“What do I do now?” … I don’t know what you are to do… I will continue to do my best to be aware and present in each moment of NOW… for me this is focusing in this moment… catching my mind when it starts to create movies of yesterday or tomorrow and return to now... focus on the past stories in our archives tends to create non-present realities and feelings… focus on the infinite number of possible futures is just as useless… in my experience both are the ego doing its best to keep us in fear, anxiety of other negative emotional state so we are not really present in the NOW with a positive energy of loving kindness. So if I had to pick one or two things to suggest what we can do they would be:

·         Stay awake in the Present Moment of Being…

·         Act with Loving Kindness to ALL since we are One…

And I invite you to send in your top 2 or 3 things of what to do now and I will share them.

Names and info: I will ask each one who has said “yes” and/or is willing to be a part of Fusion13’s emerging adventure to send me permission to use your first name or send a ‘code name’ if you wish to remain anonymous for whatever reason. If you are not remaining anonymous and have a website that is related to Fusion13’s overall mission and intent, you may also send that for inclusion in the Blog links. If you also wish to send your location and any contact info you want to be shared please do so… there I guess that is the form for now.

Mission Draft: [Included on the Welcome post]
Fusion13 involves all those choosing to participate as agents and ambassadors for the transitioning of consciousness now taking place on planet Earth and in the Universe. We encourage and support each other as we also rely on the guidance and support of our unseen guides and guardians. We are doing our best to stay awake and aware in this adventure of Oneness with the Spiritual Power of Life's Energy Source... [I invite your suggestions as well…]

Closing words:
Energy of Life, fill us with the Presence of this Moment and the Timeless quality of Spirit. We are grateful for you gifts and your guidance in our lives. Our lives are really your Life breathing through us. Let us walk in mindfulness, respect, and do good.

Expect the unexpected and ...

May Loving Kindness be our Guide... John
... and welcome to this Present Moment!
John Hutchinson - Denver, Colorado, USA

Fusion13 Adventure Blog: http://f13dna.blogspot.com

Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: www.sunhutch.com

If you want to know more of the emerging Fusion13 Adventure, here is a list of introductory posts:

Some of these messages were posted out of sequence as they were uploaded from emails in order to make them available online, so the actual posting dates may be off a few days from when they were written.