Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer
With the dawn of a new day,
Let us pause to say thanks...
Heart speaks to nameless Mystery,
Source of Life Energy,
Ever-Loving and Endless-Creating Energy
Of this miracle and gift that is Life...
My life is not "my" life...
Our life is not "our" life...
Only One Life exists...
and it is ALL Your Life
"I" becomes 'we' becomes "ONE"...
Let us respect and honor the One,
which is to honor and respect ALL...
Let us be in the spirit of gratitude
before are feet go out the door...
for without our One Common Source,
there would be neither feet nor door...
We trust You to provide what is needed...
We trust "our" path aligns with Yours...
So all may be served with Love...
Remind us to accept what is...
so right action may follow...
To forgive, let go, and forget yesterday...
and to Love ourselves, others, and ALL...
the best we can...
We invite Your Energies and Spirit
to work in and through us...
to assist in whatever way is best,
to bring the realm of Unconditional Love
and Peace to Earth and to the Universe.
With the dawn of a new day,
We pause and give thanks...
Hearts open to Life and Love...
and the Joy of Your Presence is beyond measure!