Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Sunday, March 4, 2012

F13-9 Medicine Walk Reading for Fusion13 Adventure

"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." ~ Rumi
F13-9 Medicine Walk Rune Reading - March 4, 2012

The Inquiry: Relevant Information on the Fusion13 Adventure and any advice for direction...
The Circle Layout is like a clock face with the 13th thematic rune placed in center [same as the F13 cluster pattern I was shown. The 13th rune is placed in the center and indicates the theme or focus for the reading. It might be beneficial to read #13 rune position first since it is the focalizing theme of the reading:
  1. #70 Corn-Plenty: There is an abundance of resources for the F13 Adventure...we have all the resource available to us to go forward... the resource may be physical as in assets or spiritual or both... this also impacts the runes around or the whole reading. [see 2, 10, 11,12,]

  2. #5 Father Sky: relates to the energy of 'air and talks about vastness, expansion, and freedom... it gives us the abilities to rise above any issue that may show itself... there are also the principles of protection [10, 12], nurturance[see 10], and energy.

  3. #68 Grassland: refers to Earth Energy and is beneficial, protective, and nurturing [see 2, 6,10,12]... it indicates there is  a stable base from which to proceed... it also indicates, as we know already, that some things are not out in the open and remain unknown...

  4. #22 Prayer: The answers and guidance will come as a result of prayer... so, in terms of things to do, we can make prayer for guidance a daily endeavor. I usually do some kind of prayer at least as I lay down for dreamtime..."with prayer, all things are possible."

  5. #20 Man: This represents an adult male or the development of a mature attitude. So far there are 2 adult male in the group and I suspect this has more to do with everyone involved come to this with a mature attitude. If the 'man' refers to me, I will certainly do my best to suggest what is good for all according to the best guidance we receive. We are all focalizers, and I, John, am the facilitator of the initial Fusion13 cluster... and we are all equal...

  6. #66 Community: It takes a virtual village and that is exactly the concept being received... it also means a support network or type of group which provides assistance to one another in resolving the issues or goals that arise... this can refer to a physical community of people living near one another, but in our case it seems to refer to the virtual community and also the inclusive community of unseen guides, guardians, helpers, etc. [see 2,10,12,13]

  7. #71 Medicine Wheel represents the Circle of Life... We are moving into a new phase or cycle...Change is happening... it is inevitable and within the normal flow of things. Harmony is maintained as long as we do not let fear thwart us from moving forward and as we are willing to go through the necessary changes... The medicine wheel and the Fusion13 circle cluster look quite similar.

  8. #32 Mountain: can have several meaning depending on the runes that surround it... In this case, it is surrounded by positive runes and refers to faith as being able to move mountains... It can also mean seclusion, meditation, prayer, and alone time is needed as the path to receive the next step... This is another thing we all can do...

  9. #56 Chickee or Home: this can indicate a place of security, safety, and sanctuary where we can meditate, relax, and from where we can share our insights and support... and it indicates a place of familiarity where we can feel "right at home." Hopefully you find the comfort of the Fusion13 Group a safe place and you will feel right at home...

  10. #54 Wild Cat - is representative of our unseen protectors.... The wild cat protect itself, its territory, and it family members often without ever being seen...This refers to our unseen allies, guides, and guardians it seems... [see 2.6.9,10,11,12,13]

  11. #63 Years/Longtime - this modifies surrounding runs, so in this case both 10 and 12 refer to protection. This indicates we are being protected in our adventure for a very long time... many years... on and on...

  12. #49 Blanket - literally means we are covered or protected... there is and will be security, comfort, and protection... for a long time [11] ..."things are covered."

  13. #38 Ancestors is the theme of the entire reading...
    [Dream/Pop Message: Before beginning this reading I received a message from a 'pop' while relaxing before dreamtime... In the scene, I am in a building and see a circular hole in the floor... as I look down and in I notice water and also some structural elements of a very old building.... As I am looking, a voice tells me that "she died of cancer" and I was also then told "she loves you"... my sense is that it was a past life connection and may be related to soul connections we are making again... in any event, there is communication and a message from the depths  once again... including a messenger. Some of you have already indicated some 'pops' or 'sparks' of prior connections... while I did not get any direct pops about this, some muscle testing seems to confirm that at least some of us have been connected in the 'past'.] ...
The Ancestor rune indicates guidance and answers from the past from those who came before us... information may come from our actual past history ... or since time is a bit of an illusion,, it can also refer to those in other dimensions out of time as we know it... So, we proceed with much knowledge available through the "ancestoral energy reservoir"...
I welcome any feedback, questions, or comments. If you wish to have a Medicine Walk reading done for you as a member of Fusion13, I will be glad to do one for you. Please make your focus question or inquiry brief and concise... note, as an example, the inquiry focus I used in this reading. 
Brief Origin and information about the Medicine Walk Rune process:
The runes were developed in place of the actual Medicine Walk in nature as the lands were taken away from the Native Americans by the European settlers. I received my Seminole Medicine Walk Runes set from Sam Thomas [Caocoohee] of the Whirling Rainbow Lodge in 1998; the runes are round wooden chips with pictographs on one side and words on the other side. The system and meanings were passed on to Sam [Caocoohee] by his Grandmother, Beulah Wise Owl, a Seminole Medicine Woman. I am grateful for this unique tool for helping me and others discern guidance...

There are 73 rune chips in the rune sac. The runes are drawn, usually one at a time; sequentially placed in position around the circle... Then as I study the layout, various connecting runes become evident, so the runes often become the focus for an intuitive reading based on your specific inquiry. 

#1-13 above is the order in which the runes are drawn; the second number is for my reference and is the number that is on the rune chip.

Expect the unexpected...
May Loving Kindness be our Guide... John
... And welcome to this Present Moment!
John Hutchinson - Denver, Colorado, USA
Fusion13 Adventure Blog: http://f13dna.blogspot.com
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: www.sunhutch.com
If you want to know more of the emerging Fusion13 Adventure, here is a list of introductory posts:
  1. F13-0 Welcome to the Fusion13 Adventure and Blog [March 3, 2012]
  2. F13-1 Initial message and invitation...
  3. F13-2 Clarifying the Great of Adventure - Fusion13 (Feb 27, 2012)
  4. F13-3 Synchronized Support [dream and comments]
  5. F13-4 The Spirit of Frankness - Dream and Comments
  6. F13-5 Adventure Update Feb 29, 2012
Some of these messages were posted out of sequence as they were uploaded from emails in order to make them available online, so the actual posting dates may be off a few days from when they were written.