Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

F13-1 Special message and invitation... from John and ?

This is intended as an invitation to an adventure with the intent of providing focal points of positive energy.

As with many of you, we are receiving information from the realms of the unseen... for now we shall call them guides, teachers, and guardians... they are here now, even though most of us cannot see them...

I was provided the following information and was also shown I would be an "Air Traffic Controller" since I am getting toward the end of my 'training.' Sometimes our conscious mind does not know what things mean until the meaning pops into our awareness. I was told of a guiding point, a lodestar, that is connected with energy fusion... and then a flash of a expansive energy field around and through our earth like an energy disc of a different plane or dimension... then the number 13 flashed into awareness... then the image of 12 around a center point of focalization... and I imagine each one of the 12 in the circle will be a focal leader with 12 or more around them...and so on and so an....

We are all connected anyway... this format seems designed to fuse and focus energy...my best guess it has to do with ongoing transitions as we move toward expanded awareness and living from unconditional Love, Peace, and Unity... the transcendence of duality... as far as I see now, these are some of the affirmations we live through...

We affirm we are one Life Force and One with Source... sometimes referred to as 'God'... "All That IS"
  • We intent to align as best as possible with the direction of Source energy...
  • We call back our life spirit and full Life energy in healing any personality issues so we may be more fully open to the dimension of guardians and teachers who are helping us constantly including in the hours we sleep...
  • We intent to continue to focus Love and Peace within our individual expression and outward in our transitioning world...
  • We are open to seeing the world in new ways according the the 'knowledge' that comes in to our awareness...
  • We are open to Life in various forms and in various dimensions both within and beyond our mental concepts of time and space.
  • We affirm the sanctity of the body, the earth, and honor the oneness with Love's Source.
  • We affirm we are Loved and we are Love within this Oneness of Life in motion....and we are part of a tremendous adventure... without end...
We can be seen as ambassadors or agents of Divine Love... If this short message touches something within you, let me know you are interested in continuing to receive and share information back and forth.

I imagine there may be occasions when we are asked to focus our energy on specific areas, but that is just a guess at this point...

If this is something that you do not connect with at this time, that is fine... let me know or If I don't hear from you, I will not send you future messages for this focalizing group... I will only send info as I feel directed and I'm not sure how often that will be...

May the source of All continue to bless us with the Love and Peace that is always here.... John
added March 5, 2012
Fusion13 – Intro Links
If you have an interest in the concept of our Higher Selves and soul clusters joining forces to help usher in Loving Kindness, you are invited to check out any or all of the following links on the Fusion13 Adventure Blog:
Expect the unexpected and ...
May Loving Kindness be our Guide... John