Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

F13-3 Synchronized Support [dream and comments]

Welcome to Tuesday... Feb 28, 2012
This is being sent to you if you said 'yes' to the Fusion13 adventure invitation I sent and also to those who are considering it... and to those who are interested in the Dreamtime...
JH Dreamtime scene:
There are a group of us around a large pool area... doing various things and enjoying the sun... some are dancing and playing and some are in the water and others are sitting and being ... A young man, who appears to be a Polynesian or foreign person and someone used to the water, is coming around to people and inviting us to participate in getting into the water and forming a circle, and supporting each other with arms around others' shoulders... it seems almost like a synchronized swimming team... the young man is about 5'-5" tall with medium tan skin and has curly brown-red hair almost like an 'afro' style...
This dream scenario is a picture perhaps of a guide and coordinator who is familiar with the 'territory' and is a coordinator/guide... he gathers and invites us to join in this joint effort of support and getting involved... it is something that will happen soon... I am both observing the activity and also involved at the same time and am included in the invitation... there is no indication of when this will happen... but it seems imminent... people are doing their thing, some together with others and some by themselves... we are being invited to jump in...
Since time is a construct of this earth dimension, it seems that this will happen soon...  at another dimension it is already happening... It seems our higher selves, guides, and Source agents are already in some form of connection and we are participating at some level or timeline... it is all coming together...
You are invited to share your thoughts, dream scenes, or other received messages... and you may share any information with others as you may have a small or large group of folks connected with you for a similar purpose... bringing positive energies and unconditional Source Love to greater consciousness on the planet...

[Note: contact John@sunhutch.com for further info.]

Fusion13 – Intro Links

If you have an interest in the concept of our Higher Selves and soul clusters joining forces to help usher in Loving Kindness, you are invited to check out any or all of the following links on the Fusion13 Adventure Blog:

Expect the unexpected ...
with Love and Joy... John
 ... and welcome to this Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Sundance Center Webpage: www.sunhutch.com 

"And as I've gotten older, I've had more of a tendency to look for people who live by kindness, tolerance, compassion, a gentler way of looking at things." - Martin Scorsese

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