The following links are more verification from inside sources through Bill Brockbrader, Ex-Navy Seal about how Obama is beginning to get a grasp of the powerful influences controlling the US and world systems...and is coming out to lead the way forward toward a new way and new world... some amazing stuff... and if you have not had a chance to hear Bill B's [aka Bill Wood] story, I have included a link at the end to introductory interviews that share his story and background...
Hear is the most recent information from high level military insider...through Bill B:
Hear is the most recent information from high level military insider...through Bill B:
[there are 6 different sections which you can access after watching part 1]
Into info on Bill B:
Also see:
[there are 6 different sections which you can access after watching part 1]
Into info on Bill B:
Also see:
Always use your own discretion as to what seems true or possible/probable to you... This information is at least 'grist for the mill and consistent with my personal research and info over the past 15 years.
Here are some suggestions Bill and Eva share for when the main change point occurs:
One main reason I have posted these links is to raise your curiosity and hopefully you will take some time to explore more of the possiblities for changes that are coming.
Expect the unexpected and may Loving Kindness be our Guide... John
Here are some suggestions Bill and Eva share for when the main change point occurs:
- On a regular basis keep plenty of food and water in your home; resources will be available but may be cut off for a few days or so;
- Keep vehicles filled with fuel;
- Keep cash on hand, if possible;
- Have ways to relax, meditate, dwell on hope, not fear;
- New info will be disseminated through current means of communication;
- Connect with others, block parties, check on neighbors;
- Internet, CB and ham radios will be important;
- Stay rooted in "not-knowing" and focus of hopeful future
- Shift from profit motive to service to all;
- the forces of disinformation will attack this video like they have all others;
- Let go of what you do not need, let go of past and be in present as we move forward;
- Focus on Hope... some confusion and chaos will be a part of the transition;
- Help to calm and reassure others who did not know what was coming
One main reason I have posted these links is to raise your curiosity and hopefully you will take some time to explore more of the possiblities for changes that are coming.
Expect the unexpected and may Loving Kindness be our Guide... John
... and welcome to this Present Moment!

John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Fusion13 Webpage:
Sundance Center for Conscious Living:
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." ~ Rumi
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