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Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dreamtime: "Blueprints" - April 25, 2012

"Blueprints" - Dreamus Aliveus

Dream [April 25, 2012]:

I am in a large house or inn... and I am a manager ... I am expecting Lee to arrive while traveling... she arrives and is resting for the night... I continue to be active and watching some monitors... she gets up early and has to leave...

Later, Lee and I are at a construction site. I have a set of blueprints but am not sure if I am to be estimating the project or actually doing some work on it. When I ask who is doing the project, they tell me I am� or the company I am working for...

I thought Lee might own the house, but it seems she is friendly with the owners and may be living or staying there. The owners seem to be two women whom I have not met as yet. There is a large lake or larger body of water off to the left of the property. I was looking through the blueprints and showing Lee some things that would change... but I never got a full sense of the scope of the transition work to be done...

Later I am in the offices of the architects. I look out the window and see some remodeling is going on to the buildings across the street and mention that I used to work managing a millwork company and did reproduction work like that and mentioned how expensive it was. There were a group of males there discussing the project by the lake. I asked to have a 2nd set of blue prints so the workers would have one at the project site. It seems there was some hesitation about getting another set of prints.

It was mentioned that there were people there already starting to dismantle a bridge that needed to come down. There was also some talk of dark glasses and I was talking to a young guy I knew who was wearing glasses and I wondered if they were the transition lenses type and he said no, the dark glass referred to something else... I could not remember the name of the company I worked for, but it never came up. It was apparent that I had the blueprints and was in charge in some way of seeing that the project was completed.
Managing inn... observing dynamics within psyche... monitoring dreams... expecting the anima figure soul-mate... always vigilant, even throughout the night...
Meeting with the plan designer team... Dark glass... seeing through a glass darkly now... will become clearer at the right time. Good to know there is a plan and I have a role to play... bridge coming down could refer to all will be one... no longer two 'sides' or different sides... Lee represents a feminine guide, perhaps the anima or soul-mate guide within... mystery feminine.. present yet elusive...

Construction site... transitioning... making changes... I am an active participant.... Not my house... have a key role to play... getting acquainted with team... exploring work to be done...

As I continue onward in this period of transition, it seems there is movement toward the new phase coming� I am working on something bigger than personal psyche... but then all is one mind of God in a sense, so it is all ours... hard not to think in terms of individual since we have individual forms we inhabit...

Continuing to receive requests for dream help from others... both known acquaintances and also new connections... continuing to receive requests for help understanding Cellgevity, questions on conflicted situations, and also general guidance during these times. Continuing in the dark in many ways, assuming light will dawn a new day of understanding and illumination...

You are invited to share your dreamtime images and daytime �intuitive �pops�� I do appreciate the comments, questions, dreams, �pops� and guidance you are sharing�

May our Dreamtime messages enliven our waking moments... John

... and welcome to this Present Moment!
John Hutchinson - Denver, Colorado, USA
Dreamus Aliveus & Fusion13 Blog: http://f13dna.blogspot.com
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: www.sunhutch.com