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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Survival Food Ideas for 72 hours...

FYI: Food for a 3-Day Emergency
There is a lot of information online suggesting that everyone should prepare for a 72-hour or 3-day emergency. No matter what the reason they might be giving, I do think it is a good idea.
Most of us can make it 3 days without much food and the fasting might do some good as well. As I considered this, I also did some research online only to find many online stores ready to sell "survival kits."
With a quick review and thinking about it a few minutes, I realized I often have enough in the house for 3-days of eating. Just in case, I thought I'd make a short list and add these things to the pantry and freezer. Here is what I came up with:
  • Water
  • Canned tuna, sardines, and salmon
  • Canned or dried food
  • Almond or peanut butter
  • Nuts (freeze to preserve)
  • Power or energy bars (freeze to preserve)
  • Dried fruit (banana chips for potassium)
  • Dry beans
  • Sprouted bread (freeze)
Many of these things can be rotated since they can be used in your everyday menu. Each person's situation is different, so if you are preparing for more than yourself, take into consideration each person's unique situation, medical condition, allergies, etc. If you will need to cook, then it is good to have a camping stove; or you can use a outdoor grill if you have one.
There are also survival kits which you can buy online for around $50 for 3 days per person; and there are options which are more expensive and provide more than you really need for one person.