Fusion13 Adventure recommends:

Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Thursday, April 5, 2012

"Game-Changer" [Dream]


I am on the golf course and trying to play golf... but the ball is not a ball but rather a kind of muddy like substance. I hit it but, as you might expect, it just comes apart. I try to put it back together, and hit it again, only to see it come apart again.

Now I notice that the pieces are moving a bit like small weasels or worms... parts are alive... I feel frustrated and then decide I can no longer play golf under these circumstances.


The main feeling was one of frustration; which I have sensed the past few days.

As I sat quietly with the dream, I realized that the ball was not a solid object, but rather living pieces... alive with a life of their own. It dawned on me that the game was changing and I needed to let go of my old ways of seeing life and playing the "game." The "game" was changing or has changed and I was still holding on to an old view of what the "game" was about.

Life is no longer a simple cause and effect set of dynamics. The object was no longer a solid definable chunk, but rather a rather muddied substance that was full of life. No matter how hard I tried to make it into an object ...a hard golf ball... it remained a dynamic mix of living matter...

As much as we pay lip service to letting go of the old so the new can come forth, there is nothing like a frustrating 'golf game dream' to bring home the truth of reality! I have had a form of this frustrating golf dream for years and now it seems perhaps my wiser unconscious has finally gotten through to me... we'll see if the golf dream is gone... and if it returns, it seems the message will be clearer... and a reminder to return to the reality of what is going on... letting go again of what "I think" the game is about. Tend to the living substance of Life,  not the outdated ideas of the past. Today is a brand new day.