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Eckhart Tolle TV: Creating a New Earth Together

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fusion13 Editorial [JH: July 11, 2012]

Greetings from Denver John...
These days, as we go through more transitions, I find being in the 'Now' as important as anything... and doing my best to be in the highest frequencies of energy as possible...

I have been reviewing dreams over the past year which seem to reflect transition, remodeling, being in groups with others in distant places, being involved in some 'backroom' activities and being elected 'presdent' of something...but that's to remain a secret for now [whatever that means]... several encounters with Mikal, a Lemurian friend who showed me we are energy or astral entities, that Lemuria is Now in another parallel dimension, that the harmonies/music is the same in both places with just different symbols... and on another trip, he took me into a operating space and did some type of transformative procedure that may have also included some transfer of information and another clone-ish type entity who resembled me and will be or is in Albania... he called me "Sylvie"

In another dreamtime excursion I was with a woman and we went out into a festival area... a brilliant white light was in the sky above.... then my physical body began to disintegrate into particles of green, silver, and gold... and I retained the same consciousness and was able to move along the ground and noticed a vehicle was also the same energy particles... then moved into the space of my childhood home and was invisible as I tried to look into a mirror...

These have been a few of the informative scenes I have been given along with the audible and synchronous guidance from unseen entities... along with psychic 'pops and premonitions along the way... today, the psychic 'pops' are less frequent, but know they will be here as needed....

I am put off by the negativity of a lot of us who have very one-sided perspectives... I know that we are all good and we are all imperfect in our perfection and in the eyes of others... I'm not sure why some of us need to make others 'Bad' or 'Evil' in some way...I realize that many have had misguided energies and motivated by self-interest, power, greed, and personal desires... something we all have the option to choose... It seems unproductive to focus on the negatives or perceived negatives and to label and call people names... that is why when I do look at 'news' stories, I try to choose one that are somewhat neutral in tone, while presenting info and educational data... It seems I was looking at 15 or so stories before finding ones I felt OK about sharing... It seems that 'Drake' and his followers are becoming more militant and negative as well... I continue to read Drake messages for possible insider info along with Bill Brockbrader, David Wilcox, Bob Dean [very hopeful], and others. I find the 'channeled' messages at best reflections of what others say and also usually quite supportive of and encouraging to "Lightworkers."

Bottom line is that I/we do not know what is going on in unseen realms and behind the scenes... I hope we can continue to focus on kindness toward one another and continue to be stewards of the planet in loving ways... just my wish for this day or all of us....

Love, Blessings, and Take care....John