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Fusion13 News Update
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(1) [Article] $31.2 Trillion Hidden ... by Global Elite ...Study estimates staggering size of offshore economy...Private banks help wealthiest to move cash into havens... From Stephen @ 2012 Scenario: "Now we're heading in the right direction, as everything financially dark continues to pour out of the world's financial 'capital' London... at least it's the lead story in a major and respected UK newspaper...I predict a big focus on the Swiss banks next."....[URL: ]
"The very existence of the global offshore industry, and the tax-free status of the enormous sums invested by their wealthy clients, is predicated on secrecy..."
.(2) [Article] How Agribiz Bought the Farm Bill [URL: ]
(3) [Article***] Tunneling Through Realities "...This declaration to creation, erased all images of victims and abusers, right ones and wrong ones. A zero point was created in my mind. Therefore, healing could take place and harmony re-established." ~ Kathleen Stillwell
[URL: ].
(4) [Video] Secret Mind Control & Brain Washing Experiments - Governmental Conspiracy Exposed! [URL: ] ... Uses ABC News program from 1979: " MMM presents Mission: Mind Control (ABC NEWS SPECIAL, 1979)" ..."In 1979, just two years after U.S. Senate hearings revealed disturbing information about a secret government mind control program code-named Project MKULTRA, this one-hour documentary covering some of the clandestine, illegal activities involved in this mind control project was released.
[URL: ].
(4) [Video] Secret Mind Control & Brain Washing Experiments - Governmental Conspiracy Exposed! [URL: ] ... Uses ABC News program from 1979: " MMM presents Mission: Mind Control (ABC NEWS SPECIAL, 1979)" ..."In 1979, just two years after U.S. Senate hearings revealed disturbing information about a secret government mind control program code-named Project MKULTRA, this one-hour documentary covering some of the clandestine, illegal activities involved in this mind control project was released.
(5) [Video] Earthquake Watch; Planetary Positions & Spaceweather - Current Watch Peaks July 28 2012 ... excellent 'science and references
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(6) [Calculator] What Is Your Real Metabolic Age?
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Note: The above stories are from various news sources that you probably will not see on the "Nightly News"... They are chosen mostly because they reflect some of the possible transitions and disclosures that are underway both locally and on a global scale. I think it is important to stay clear of fear-based reports; if reports are included that come from a possible fear perspective, it probably has some worthwhile information mixed in and I will provide a warning ... Inclusion of information from various websites does not mean I agree with any or all of the content found in other parts of that website. ~ jh----------------------------------------------------------------
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Expect the unexpected and may Loving Kindness be our Guide... John
... and welcome to this Present Moment!

John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
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"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and
find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." ~ Rumi
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