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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Credo Mobile Donates to Worthwhile Causes

Who does your phone company support?
AT&T and Verizon Wireless have given a whopping $892,500 and $173,600 respectively to House and Senate Tea Party Caucus members since 2009.

We need real change, not lip service. That's why I take action with CREDO Mobile. CREDO is a mobile phone company just like AT&T or Verizon Wireless -- except, unlike them, CREDO fights with us for progressive change.

CREDO gives 1% of charges to amazing nonprofits like Rainforest Action Network, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, and they've raised more than $70 million in the last 27 years.

As a CREDO Customer, I agree with their values AND love their service, I really do ... much better than ATT that I had for years, plus I received a free phone and it was simple to activate.

I'm telling you about Credo because they offered us a great deal:

If you sign up to be a CREDO customer, they'll give you 25% off your monthly voice fee for a year plus a CREDO bill credit for the cancellation fee on your current mobile contract (up to $350), plus they'll send me $50. Pretty good, right?

If you want to find out more, go to http://bit.ly/RH8oAE

Or call one of their friendly customer service people at 866-689-0099 and mention special offer code 800824. Make sure to tell them my name and phone number so I get credit!

Thanks for reading,
John Hutchinson
Number: 717.413.7120