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Monday, October 15, 2012

Dream Example: "Splendor in the Grass"


Dreamtime: “Splendor in the Grass”

Here is an example of a dream and some reflections to it. It is one way to protect onto the dream from our waking consciousness. One assumption I now have is that an aspect of our unconscious mind… our Higher Self… is trying its best to communicate something we are not seeing or of which we are not aware. Often as we experience fear in a dream, it can be a signal that the ego is trying to protect its domain and does not want the energy or awareness to enter consciousness. The extreme of this can be experienced as what we call a “nightmare.”

The  Dream:

I’m driving a large vehicle that is some type of mower and I am doing my best to mow down some tall grass and weeds around several big mature trees with huge trunks. I am having some difficulty maneuvering around the trunks and roots that are sticking out of the ground. Then finally the ‘mower’ gets stuck. I am off of the mower now and I notice that the wheels are still going around but the mower is not moving and is off the ground probably due to being lodged up on the protruding roots. Now I notice a long cord that is moving through the grass looking for a place to plug in as if it is powering the mowers. As I look at the plug end, it appears more like a snake’s head with its tongue going in and out like snakes do… and I am afraid it will bite me so I back out of the way.

In these days of retreat and reflection, I am trying to get eliminate and trim some unnecessary and unwanted extras… like weight, and habits that do not serve my overall wellness. There are some deeply rooted and longstanding patterns that these issues have grown up around. They could represent ingrained parental complexes in the psyche… they may represent a lot of growth in various areas in this life. Yet there is an issue with the roots or foundation and grounding of these areas tends to stick out and slow my intended task. The cord-snake to me represents kundalini or life energy that is trying to get plugged back in and yet a part of me back away and there is some fear. If I assume my higher Self and/or guides are trying to tell me something that I do not know in my conscious mind it seems to be:

“While you are doing your best to trim a few things, let go of the ego’s fear of the powerful life force and energy that is trying to plug in… allow the energy to rise from the ground through every energy center to cleanse, heal, and radiate each cell of the body, mind, emotions, sensations, and your total being. Open to the energy of Source from everywhere and let it fill each area and energy center from crown to ground… enlivening the roots and all that is in your being and body…. Every organ, synapse, cell, and fluid… Open to the kundalini spirit of life in all its aspects… welcome the cord-snake of spirit… here in this moment…”
Of course there are other projections we can share about this particular dream. If it were your dream, what might it mean to you? If you wish to share, you may do so by writing to John@sunhutch.com ... Here to you and to our dreamtime guides....
Love and light to all... John